THE ASSIGNMENT: "Record 10 seconds of image/sound every day for the first 30 days of the semester. Compile these clips into one chronological sequence. Sound should be the sync sound recorded with the image."
The point? Seeing 10 seconds of footage shot each day for a month would illustrate our personal style and what is compelling to us as filmmakers. I have to say, the assignment did its job. THE SUNDAY SOUND: October 26, Transitions. Forgive me if you see yourself in these shots. My filmmaking style is: CREEPER.
For the love of all that is good and holy, see The Book of Life on the big screen.
My production class went to the Institute of Contemporary Art a couple weeks ago to see a video installation called "The Visitors." We entered the room and were immediately confronted with nine huge screens covering the walls, with two screens of the same size positioned in the middle of the room. Each video feed had a dedicated audio channel. Musicians are shown in nine separate rooms of a farmhouse, performing together using headphones as their only connection.
It is hard to describe, so locals, check it out if you get the chance. The ICA is free on Thursdays! Today's sonic delight was captured as I stood in the room. If you can guess what the noise is at the end, you'll win a Sunday Sound all about YOU. THE SUNDAY SOUND: October 19, Ragnar Kjartansson's "The Vistors." After I snapped a few photos and recorded for a while, I was informed both were not allowed. Enjoy the contraband. ![]() Writing narrative fiction is totally new for a documentary person like me, and I'm SHIT at it. I know this. I accept this (for now). I have always been good at the technical aspects of writing, and I recently found out that I'm fairly good at adaptation. But when it comes to pulling a story out of my (bum), I find my ideas completely lackluster. Considering my first script is due in less than a week, I was thrilled to stumble upon these... PIXAR'S 22 RULES OF STORYTELLING
Source: ![]() While I realize posting The Sunday Sound on a Thursday afternoon is mildly fraudulent, I don't want another day to pass without sharing this week's sonic snack. This one's close to my heart as it captures one of my favorite things in life: a standard night at home with Brian (see also: husband, soulmate, boyfriend, in-home entertainment, inspiration, favorite sparring partner, etc.). These standard nights at home comprise the bulk of our existence (perhaps a sad thought if you ponder it too long), but they're never the moments that are captured or preserved. I want more photos of couples lounging on the couch in their pajamas on Instagram! Dirty hair and a touch of B.O., holding each other as they eat junk food and watch the third episode in a row. Give me more! This is my way of doing that. Here's 80 seconds of a standard night for us. THE SUNDAY SOUND: October 16, A Work Night in 80 Seconds. Please note: Brian does not laugh this hard at barely funny sitcom tropes. It is a fabrication. A hilarious fabrication, but a fabrication nonetheless. I’m doing my very best to put all my energy into it, for I long so much to make beautiful things. But beautiful things require effort—and disappointment and perseverance.
(He gets me.) |