A couple classmates and I set out with cameras and a field recorder to do an interview. The interview subjects we planned on fell through, so I suggested we just wander around the Boston Common and see who we could find.
The very first person we approached was this fantastic man named Bartolo Carrion from Puerto Rico, currently living in Chelsea, Massachusetts. What a charmer! I edited this vignette together so you can enjoy him, too. THE SUNDAY SOUND: November 30, Introducing Bartolo. Of course his favorite movie is Pulp Fiction. Why wouldn't it be?
Noah Canavan and I remade the infamous printer scene from Office Space. If you have somehow lived your life without seeing Office Space, YOU NEED TO WATCH IT. NOW. Or just check out the original scene. A word of warning for those with children or childlike sensitivities: there is some serious language in the original soundtrack. Huge thanks to our actors Daniel, Heather, and Mauria for braving the horrifyingly cold temperatures. Of everything I have recorded over the years, this is my favorite. And dudes. I have recorded some THINGS. Picture it: Colleen, on the train. She is finally on time to work, which happens maybe once a week. She is one stop away from her final destination. The doors open to let passengers off and the magical sound of a raspy, gloriously authentic male voice singing "You Are My Sunshine" floats in and reaches her ears. Inner dialogue: Holy crap. This is amazing. I would love to record it. I SHOULD record it. But I want to be on time to work since it never happens. BUT since it never happens, it won't matter if I'm late just one more time. Right? No, I'm being crazy. NO. YES! I need it. This is irresponsible. WHATEVER. I AM DOING IT. <hops off the train> "Sir, if I give you this cash, will you start singing from the beginning?" And then, we performed our duet. And then the next train arrived. THE SUNDAY SOUND: November 2, You Are My Sunshine. I would love to record an album with this dude. |