NYC-based filmmaker Amy DePaola asked me to be a guest on her fantastic new podcast Pink Among Men. We spoke for an hour about Creating Feminist Media, my recent documentary, religion, mentorship, motherhood, and more. If you want to know more about me and what motivates my work, give it a listen below. I also recommend subscribing to Amy's podcast. It's great. Pink Among Men Episode 103:
Mentors, Religion, and Creating Feminist Media
I am honored to share that The Privileges and Responsibilities of Sisters is an official selection of Yoni Fest 2017 in Los Angeles.
In 1997, James Cameron's Titanic was the obsession of every preteen girl. I was no exception at thirteen, so I decided to remake the film using Barbie and Ken. Instant classic!
Creative ideas are both novel and valuable. But they are often rejected when the creative innovator stands up to vested interests and defies the crowd. The crowd does not maliciously or willfully reject creative notions. Rather, it does not realize, and often does not want to realize, that the proposed idea represents a valid and advanced way of thinking. Society often perceives opposition to the status quo as annoying, offensive, and reason enough to ignore innovative ideas.
Robert Sternberg For the love of all that is good and holy, see The Book of Life on the big screen.
![]() Writing narrative fiction is totally new for a documentary person like me, and I'm SHIT at it. I know this. I accept this (for now). I have always been good at the technical aspects of writing, and I recently found out that I'm fairly good at adaptation. But when it comes to pulling a story out of my (bum), I find my ideas completely lackluster. Considering my first script is due in less than a week, I was thrilled to stumble upon these... PIXAR'S 22 RULES OF STORYTELLING
Source: I’m doing my very best to put all my energy into it, for I long so much to make beautiful things. But beautiful things require effort—and disappointment and perseverance.
(He gets me.) I have recently been called upon to plan all sorts of random church events. And what do random church events require? Random church flyers (oh, the never-ending charms of lay ministry). As such, I have had to use Photoshop A LOT. It seems I have a natural eye for design and layout but BOY HOWDY am I lacking in technical skill. As a teenager, I taught myself Photoshop so I could resize photos and add text (with shadows!) and... well... that's about it. Brian has taught me a bit more, but DUDE. It takes me ninety years to create the simplest thing. Here are a few of my creations.