![]() Two weeks have gone by without a post from me. I have been entirely immersed in all sorts of (welcomed) responsibilities that are attached to my membership in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The first weekend of October was General Conference (read more on that via the LDS Newsroom). The second weekend of October, some members of my family were in town to accompany me as I received my endowment in the Boston, Massachusetts temple. For those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about, read this: Mormon Temple Endowment. It changed my life. Today's post is brought to you by the intersection of my life as a Mormon and my life as a sound artist / producer / music aficionado. For most musicians (well, for most anyone in the media industry), being a Mormon appears wholly impossible. Of the power trio that is sex, drugs, and rock n' roll, I can only really indulge in one (until I get married, and then I get to indulge in TWO! Yes!). My super-clean lifestyle might seem incompatible with the industry I've chosen, but there are plenty of creatives like myself who make it work. And I am part of a group that is humbly attempting to illustrate that possibility. Linescratchers is an online magazine that promotes LDS musicians who don't write LDS music (i.e. musicians in the secular world!). I became an editor for Linescratchers because I believe that no one should feel torn between their creative world and their world of faith. It is not easy to be successful in the media industry and maintain LDS standards, and Linescratchers promotes folks that are successfully walking (scratching!) this line. We are in the midst of a month-long pledge drive. Our website is full of excellent content, but we haven't had the resources necessary to beautify it. We are hoping to raise $1,080 to support our growth, specifically covering a professional website redesign. (Bonus: if you donate $20 or more, you get a compilation album featuring work from 12 LDS musicians.) If you can afford it, please, please, please donate through our RocketHub site. In honor of our pledge drive, today's Sunday Sound is from Brandon Flowers, the lead singer of The Killers and a fellow Linescratcher. Take it away, Brandon.
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